Saturday, August 28, 2010

Got Milk?????

Ok, so people have asked me what is the best way to add milk to your soap receipe. Well, I have to say this, adding milk can get a little bit tricky. After a few times of testing, trying and twicking I finally found that the best way is to freeze the milk and add the lye on it very very slowly and stiring stiring stiring, it takes a little longer than if you were not adding milk as your liquid, but that final bar is so worth it! I remember way back when, in the beggining of my soapmaking days, how frustrated I would get trying all kinds of  methods of adding milk to my soap, only to end up with a globy clumpy mess, if your into soap making you probably know what I mean, but thank godness those days are over, thanks to the freezing method. So for those of you you have asked, this is what works for me... hope that helps! Love, Dani

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